Becoming an effective member of the ABTO
All travel agencies with their headquarters in Belgium, whose tour operator is the main activity, can be granted full membership status.
To become a member, the candidate must undergo financial and technical screening.
Affiliation to the ABTO automatically leads to the recognition of the Travel Litigation Commission as well as the full application in the brochures of the General Conditions of Travel. The customer is therefore assured of benefiting from the conditions elaborated in consultation with the consumer associations. In the event of a problem, it may have recourse to the Travel Disputes Commission, which also provides conciliation procedure concurrently with an arbitration procedure.
Insurance insolvency is of course a condition of affiliation. In case of eventual bankruptcy, the customer’s money is in good hands.
Finally, members of the ABTO are required to accept the various codes of conduct (e-commerce, brochures, environment) as well as participate in WES studies.
Members of the ABTO can use the ABTO logo “Label of Quality” in their communications with the customer. This label is synonymous with carefree holidays, accompanied by many guarantees in terms of quality.